Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger



The Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger realizes thermal transfer through Embossed or Corrugated plates however, sealing is by means of welding and not through rubber gaskets.  The distance or gap between each set Pillow Plates can be adjusted to create a Wide Gap / Free Flow on the fouling side.


Compared to other types of Plate Heat Exchangers, the Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger has some unique features and advantages, especially for fluids containing impurities or high viscosity or for complex applications. In the below chart, you find various applications in which the Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger would be a good consideration.

Style Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger Shell Tube Heat Exchanger Gaskeked Heat Exchanger Spiral Heat Exchanger
Operation temperature range <800 <800 <170 <350
Max. pressure <60 bar <200 bar <32 bar <25 bar
Heat transfer coefficient of water[W/m2·] 3500 2700 5600 2000
Application of air and water heat transfer Applicable Applicable Not applicable Partial applicable
Immersion in tank or water Applicable Partial applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Welded to tank and reactor Applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Install into existing reaction tower and other equipment Flexible Partial applicable Not applicable Not applicable
All welded structure Applicable Applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Heavy contaminated liquids and other applications Applicable Applicable Partial applicable Applicable
Unit area weight Low High Low High
Falling film, condenser and evaporator Applicable Applicable Partial applicable Partial applicable


 Depending on the application the Pillow Plate Heat Exchanger can be designed into either an Immersion Heat Exchanger or a Falling Film Heat Exchanger.