HESSA Engineering

Application Engineering,
We have profound experience in a wide range of heat transfer applications for liquid to liquid / evaporation & condensation / gas to liquid / gas to gas / liquid to powder, We identify which Heat Exchanger products is most suitable according to individual application requirements for industries such as HVAC, Petro-chemical, Power generation, Marine, etc.. HESSA uses specialized thermal calculation software and if required refine the design looking at client specific process conditions and applicable experience.
Welded Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger Calculation Programme
Welded Flue Gas Plate Heat Exchanger Calculation Programme
Welded Plate and Shell Heat Exchanger Calculation Programme
Brazed Heat Exchanger Calculation Programme

Associated Thermal Performance Testing Laboratory
HESSA is associated with China's Top Inspection Institute for Thermal Performance Testing of newly developed plate design before these plates are put in customers' operations. (Photos below: thermal performance testing of welded plate and shell heat exchanger and thermal performance testing of plate heat exchanger)

Structure Engineering
HESSA executes "Stress Analyze and Calculation" according to ASME, API or PED standard and issues Material and Component Pressure Class reports for Procurement, Production and QC department.
(Photo below: Structure Engineering for flue gas heat exchanger and welded plate and shell heat exchanger)

Welding Engineering
WPS & PQR are issued for all welding which are in compliance with International Standards. Welders and QC personnel perform the welding and inspections based on the selected International Standard.
The Main Structure Welding Prototype as tested by Third Party Laboratory, certified by CNAS

Welding Specilist have ISO 9606-1 Weld Qualification Test Certificate